I am a college biology instructor. Some of the course I have taught are:
Environmental Physiology: This course is about how animals function in relation to their environment. Thermoregulation, osmoregulation, and exercise physiology are among the topics covered.
General Biology II: In this class we study evolution, organismal diversity (basically, all the kinds of living things there are in the world), and animal physiology.
General Zoology: This a general introduction to biology, focusing on animals.
I am in the Instructional Technology program because I would like to learn to use technology to create images and animations for teaching biology. For examples, it would be really neat to design an interactive phylogenetic tree, or an animation illustrating kidney function.
I'm especially interested in finding new ways to explain evolutionary concepts using computer generated illustrations and activities. I've seen a fair number of boring or confusing applications for teaching evolutionary concepts, and evolution is frequently misunderstood already. Thus, I think there's important work to be done there in instructional technology.